📕 Risk: Probability of a negative impact, weighted by how negative it is.
Reversibility: How easy is it to undo.
Before doing something (like shipping code), we ask ourselves
- How much risk of having a very negative impact does it have.
- What's the probability that this action will need to be undone/changed.
- What is going to be the cost of undoing it. I.e. How reversible is it?
Low risk and easy to revert - “Two-way door”
Ship it! 🚢 - At Happy Scribe, we move fast.
High risk or difficult to revert - “One-way door”
This is very exceptional. In these cases, it’s okay to slow down.
- Try to reduce the risk and/or increase the reversibility. For example, by writing tests.
- Ask someone else to review your work.
- Make sure to get the thumbs up from the rest of the tech team.
- Some rules of thumb
- Resources